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Dodane 18 bajtów, 07:33, 29 cze 2019
| Traditional agricultural practice of cultivating the ‘vite ad alberello’ (head-trained bush vines) of the community of Pantelleria || Włochy || Metoda produkcji || Uprawa niskopiennej winorośli na wyspie Pantelleria || [https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/traditional-agricultural-practice-of-cultivating-the-vite-ad-alberello-head-trained-bush-vines-of-the-community-of-pantelleria-00720]
| Nan Pa’ch ceremony || Gwatemala || Produkt rolno-spożywczy, uroczysty posiłek || Kukurydza Święto zbiorów kukurydzy || [https://ich.unesco.org/en/USL/nan-pach-ceremony-00863]
| Ancient Georgian traditional Qvevri wine-making method || Gruzja || Napój || Kwewri (wino zakopywane w glinianych amforach) || [https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/ancient-georgian-traditional-qvevri-wine-making-method-00870]