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Szkic:Kto nauczył Francuzów jeść widelcem?

Rozmiar się nie zmienił, 07:33, 12 maj 2021
Stop, o Frenchmen! Hold your horses!What's the reason for your flight?Only tyrants run from PolandLike like a dog annoyed by flies. {{...}}We applauded your arrival,We we played music and drank wine,Did our best that you feel welcome:All all you ever did was whine,Call us drunks and take our earnestHospitality hospitality for vice.You ungrateful, savage aliens,! We are tired of being nice.</poem>
| oryg = <poem>State, viri, quae causa fugae? Non Trinacris haec est
Ora, nec infames funesto vespere terrae.

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