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Pszczeli król

Dodane 631 bajtów, 17:02, 10 cze 2019
{{ Cytat
| oryg = There is an old legend about a vacancy for a Polish crown prince (apparently, the lines of inheritance for heirs were empty), and someone named Michael Wiscionsky was the chosen candidate to fill the vacancy. Why? Because a swarm of bees settled on him during the selection process (history also suggests he was not an outstanding leader nor was he remembered for much of anything but the bee story). The bees have such significance in Poland that a bee made of diamonds remains in the crown of the kings, its presence officially extolling the virtues of the bees.
| źródło = {{Cyt
| nazwisko = Roufs | imię = Timothy G. | tytuł nazwisko2= Smyth Roufs | url imię2 = Kathleen | nazwisko r tytuł = Sweet Treats around the World: An Encyclopedia of Food and Culture | imię r url = | rozdział https://books.google.dk/books?id= | adres rozdziału M_eCBAAAQBAJ&pg= PA272 | wydawca = | miejsce = ABC-CLIO | rok = | wolumin = | tom = 2014 | strony = 272–273
}}, tłum. własne
}}, tłum. własne
== Władysław IV ==