* [https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/PL/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52013XC0911(02)&qid=1556212681922 EUR-Lex: Bayerische Breze]
* [https://www.philhist.uni-augsburg.de/lehrstuehle/germanistik/sprachwissenschaft/ada/runde_7/f01c-d/ Geographische Verteilung der Bezeichnungen: Bre(t)z]
* [http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:cawPEARc-WYJ:www.museum-brotkultur.de/pdf/07Brezeln.pdf Wer hat die Brezel erfunden?]
*: First of all, the pretzel was not "invented", but its present form has gradually developed over the centuries. The origins of the pretzel lie in the ring bread, which was used for ritual acts already in ancient Rome. Already in the 2nd century, the early Christians adopted the ring-shaped loaf of bread (to a lesser extent) as Eucharistic bread, ie for the Lord's Supper.
*: Thus, the former ring-shaped cult bread from Rome received a Eucharistic character, which the biscuits retained until after the Middle Ages, but in the course of time changed its appearance: starting from the more or less round original form over the opening of the ring bread to a 6-like Form, the doubling and the juxtaposition of two 6-forms to the interlocking of the inner pretzel arms into a knot.